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Advertisement Screening
With the ever increasing competition across different industry verticals, it has become all the more important to recruit the best manpower for the company to grow and flourish in the long run. Now-a-days, many companies opt for outsourcing the entire recruitment process to any efficient recruitment consultancy which with the help of qualified and experienced professionals provides the best recruitment solutions to their clients. MRPL is the leading recruitment consultant, which clearly understands the clients' needs and gives the best possible recruitment services to satisfy them completely.
A very vital area of the entire recruitment process is the 'Advertisement Screening'. It has to be dealt with effectively to turn out the most efficient human resource for any company out there. Following are the tasks that are taken care of by our professional during the Advertisement Screening.
1. The client provides us the response of an advertisement (internal/ portal
2. We screen the CVs based on job specification, from the pool.
3. Shortlist: We provide the data back to the client with our comments, colour codes, etc after evaluating the CVs on the basis of different criteria provided by the client. (like qualification, experience, location, CTC etc)
As you can notice the type of work involved in Advertisement Screening, it is of great help to the client. The client gets tones of responses from the recruitment ads placed on different platforms. Now, it generally happens that the job seekers tend to reply to the job ad if they think their area of work and skills are anywhere near to the mentioned job profile. But that's not what the client is looking for. The client is looking for only the professional best suited for the job and who'll be able to take on the job most effectively. Now, to shortlist the selective CVs from a big lot is not an easy job. Hiring a leading recruitment consultant for this job saves both time and money for the client which could be put to other important tasks.
We at, MRPL, look forward to offer the best possible 'Advertisement Screening' service to all our clients.
Interview Scheduling with Client: For the short listed candidates, we will prepare a final list to be lined up for interviews as per the available schedules with the client.
Reference Check: We will conduct a detailed reference check on the candidate you wish to hire.
Post closure and joining support: Follow-up for at least 3 months to ensure smooth transition.
- Prioritize the features your customers need
- Align everyone around the roadmap
- Define your product vision with customer feedback
Spend less time writing a business plan and more time building your business. We help you with the best tools you need to best communicate your idea.
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Though wished merits or be. Alone visit use these smart rooms ham
Mike Taylor
Marketing Manager

Offended no concerns. Supply worthy warmth branch of no ye.
Chris Harsh
Marketing Manager

Voice tried known to as my to.
Angela Taylor
Marketing Manager